January and February are the time for holding national championships for all national federations and selecting experienced Kurash athletes for national teams.
It hasn’t been long since the Tajikistan Kurash Federation was renewed. However, recently they have been getting very good results. The activity of the Federation has radically improved.
On January 19-20 of this year, the first Tajikistan Kurash Championship will be held in cooperation with the Tajikistan Kurash Federation, Tajikistan Youth Affairs and Sports Committee.
Today, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the International Kurash Association with the participation of IKA General Secretary Mohammad Reza Nasiri, Head of the IKA Administration Mansur Mirzaev, and Tajikistan Kurash Federation Vice-President Akhtam Kokirov.
At the meeting, Akhtam Kokirov on behalf of the Federation President Zukhursho Nurmahmadzoda, expressed sincere gratitude to the to the IKA leaders.
He handed over official invitations to attend the Tajikistan National Championship, which is being organized for the first time.
General Secretary of IKA Mohammad Reza Nassiri highly estimated the recent work being done to popularize Kurash in Tajikistan. The national championship gives a special opportunity to the athletes to be prepared for their good participation in international arenas.

Akhtam Kokirov:
We can say on the example of our participation in the Asian Games held in China and the World Championships held in Turkmenistan that Tajikistan has really strong and talented athletes. We have all the opportunity to further increase their number.
Our national championship, which is organized for the first time, serves to discover more talents. Currently, more than 100 athletes are registered to participate in the competition.
At the end of the national championship, we plan to organize a special Kurash evening.
One athlete from: Uzbekistan, Mongolia, and Moldova were invited to compete with the most famous athletes of Tajikistan. The purpose of this is to make Kurash more popular and to present a real Kurash festival to the audience.

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