Protection of the rights of disabled persons

A particular focus of the International Kurash Association in the field of equality in sports is to protect the rights of disabled persons. In its work the ІKA is primarily guided by the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and its Optional Protocol, which was adopted on 13th December, 2006 and came into effect on 3rd May, 2008. The International Kurash Association considers that the Convention aims at the perception of disability as, first and foremost, the human rights issue, not just healthcare, charity, or depending on the environment.

Main tasks of the IKA on protection of the rights of disabled persons:

– to coordinate the activities of various National Kurash Federations on human rights and disability;
– to review the strategies and guidelines of the United Nations to ensure compliance with rights of disabled persons;
– to raise awareness of the ІKA`s members about the Convention and its Optional Protocol;
– to develop an action plan for the implementation of the Convention;
– to monitor the implementation of action plan in the field of human rights and rights of disabled persons;
– to provide and coordinate the collection of data and statistics for effective development of programs and policies and evaluate their implementation;
– to ensure the participation of disabled persons in the development of policies and programs affecting their interests;
– to encourage disabled persons to participate in sport competitions;
– to conduct ourselves and take part in human rights seminars;
– to conduct surveys of disabled persons in order to identify their opportunities in sports and to take appropriate actions based on the results of such surveys;
– to cooperate with public organizations of disabled persons.

Protection of the rights of women

In the area of women’s rights in sport the International Kurash Association defines the main directions of work: advocacy and informational activities, and control over compliance women’s rights.

Since women are full participants in sports Kurash competitions that had been defined with international rules of Kurash, the International Kurash Association shall strictly monitor the provision of equal rights for women in the organization of sporting events. At the same time the International Kurash Association is taking steps to involve women in the refereeing, coaching and administrative work in the ІKA.

The International Kurash Association regularly carries out outreach activities in this area, the aim of which is to acquaint all participants of the ІKA with international requirements to protect women in the sport, with the results of women’s participation in the international Olympic movement and international life of Kurash.

The International Kurash Association organizes seminars and participates in thematic seminars of other organizations dedicated to the protection of the rights of women in sports. All members of the ІKA are immediately notified about such events.

Protection of the rights of children

The International Kurash Association shares and supports the Olympic Charter which says that «Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole of the qualities of body, will and mind. Olympism uniting sport with culture and education, seeks to create a lifestyle based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious human development, in order to facilitate the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity».

The International Kurash Association uses these principles when working with children and youth in the protection of their rights and interests.

In the field of protection of children’s rights the International Kurash Association focuses on the involvement of children and teenagers in Kurash with the aim to grow its generation of players. To achieve this, the International Kurash Association is working to open Kurash sport schools worldwide. Also the ІKA develops Unified International Kurash Training Programs for children and youth sport schools. The International Kurash Association is carrying out activities to educate children and teenagers in all continental Kurash Unions as well as special attention is paid to Kurash competitions among children and youth.

The International Kurash Association promotes healthy lifestyle, sports and harmonious development of personality. The International Kurash Association monitors the publications and the international legal framework related to children and youth participation in the sport. The International Kurash Association regularly informs the public and members of the ІKA about results of its work in the field of protection of children’s rights.

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