After the conclusion of XIV World Senior Kurash Championship yesterday, participants are returning to their homeland.
Indian athletes, who are scheduled to travel from Ashgabat to Delhi via Tashkent, visited the headquarters office of the International Kurash Association today.
The Indian delegation was welcomed at the IKA Museum by the head of the IKA Administration, Mansur Mirzaev.
He introduced International Kurash Museum to the Indian guests.
Each exhibit represents each previous kurash competition – M. Mirzaev said.
Over the years, more than 500 medals, trophies and other valuable exhibits of various levels have been placed in the Museum of Kurash.
At the end of the visit, the head of the Indian delegation, Rakesh Kumar, was presented with a souvenir of the International Kurash Association.

Rakesh Kumar: I have been working in the Kurash Association of India for over 10 years in various capacities. I have also visited Uzbekistan several times. Along with refereeing international kurash competitions, I am also a coach of Indian athletes.
But for the first time in such a long time, I am in the Museum of Kurash. It gives me a great pleasure to be in the homeland of kurash and in the headquarters of IKA, which is regarded as the center of Kurash.

Pargati: I am really pleased to start a new chapter in my life. I am from Haryana, India. Kurash is very popular in our country. I have been participating in kurash and judo clubs since I was in school. In India, Kurash is included in the School Games Program, therefore, many schools have kurash clubs.
I was very happy when I was awarded a ticket to the World Championship held in Ashgabat. I am returning from Ashgabat with a bronze medal. To be honest, Kurash has made a significant impact on my life. I am pleased that new accomplishments and new pages are being opened.

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