According to the agreement between the International Kurash Institute and the Uzbekistan Kurash Federation, a seminar for kurash referees is being held from July 27 to August 2.
The most experienced experts of the International Kurash Association and the International Kurash Institute and about 30 referees from Uzbekistan are participating in the seminar.
At the seminar, which will last until August 2, they will conduct training based on the new training methodology on the rules of refereeing in kurash, the system, and principles of evaluating competitions, the responsibilities, roles and responsibilities of referees, as well as other topics related to the field.
According to the program of the seminar, in the first half of the day, theoretical, and in the second part of the day, practical processes will be carried out by the international referee experts, Kim Eurjung and Ibrohim Karimov.
Today, IKA General Secretary Muhammad Reza Nassiri organized training sessions at the Sagbon Kurash Complex of the Tashkent City Kurash Federation.
During the training, Mr. Nassiri gave detailed information about the controversial situations that often occur in kurash competitions, the roles and responsibilities of the center referee and two side referees during the competition, and the strict requirements for athletes and referees.