12 July Cairo witnessed the WSP – World Series Pro qualifier where the top 2 athletes in 7 weight categories qualified from Africa to join the other continents to determine the best players worldwide. The finals of the WSP will take place in the motherland of Kurash – Uzbekistan in November, with a Grand total prize of $225.000 USD amongst all athletes who took part at the WSP. The next qualifier of WSP will be on 23 August in Santa Domingo ( pan-America Qualifier), and 12 October in Italy WSP qualifier will take place for Europe. This year, the WSP – World series Pro will be for Men: -66/-81/-90/ Open weight and for Women: -57/-70/ open weight. The result of the top 2 African qualifiers are:
Male -66
1. Youssef Mohamed Kheda (Egypt)
2. Neomiles Mogase Williams (South Africa)
Male 81
1. Basel Eldegb (Egypt)
2. Constant Ikomo (The Democratic Republic Congo)
Male 90
1. Mohamed Mohamed Azaz (Egypt)
2. Damus Erasmus Mariz (South Africa)
Male open wight
1. Abdelrahman Tamea Asfova (Egypt)
2. Kentoula Claude Durel (Congo Brazzaville)
Female -57
1. Nada Ashraf Salah (Egypt)
2. Liebe Gaeyling South Africa)
Female – 70
1. Nada Mohamed Fahmy (Egypt)
2. Demi Walica (South Africa)
Female open wight
1. Malak Hamdy Elkhaeeb (Egypt)
2. Melissa Barnard (South Africa)