The meeting was held at the headquarters of the IKA on the issues of developing the activities of the International Kurash Association, further solidifying relationships with national federations, existing projects, and extensively publicizing competitions held..
The General Secretary of the International Kurash Association Mohammad Reza Nassiri convened the meeting.
Furthermore, Head of IKA administration Mansur Mirzaev, IKA press secretary Jamshid Namozov, IKA consultant on issues of strategic development of national federations, Abbaskhan Ibrokhimov, chief specialist of the Media Department Elyor Mirzaev, specialists of the IKA International Relations Department Shokhrukh Bakhtiyorov, Asal Sadullaeva took part in the meeting.
In fact, the International relations and PR-Media fields have Important role in the further development and popularization of Kurash Worldwide.
Kurash has grown in popularity in the modern sports experience. Mr. Nassiri went over the activities of these Departments in great detail during the meeting. The shortcomings were discussed, and recommendations were made to improve the movements and activities.
Mansur Mirzaev, head of IKA administration, informed that additional vacancies were created to enhance these Departments’ operations.
At the end of the meeting, plans for the upcoming work and plans were approved.

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