25-26 February 2023 marks the Italian Kurash Federation seminar on coaching and refereeing in Rome with participants from Italy, Latvia,Malta and France. First day was the coaching day where many points were discussed and practiced with the Participants and IKA Technical Director Reza Nassiri and Italian Kurash Federation Technical Director Mr. Massimo Mattioli.
Also the changes to some technique names were announced and elimination of dangerous technique from the official IKA group as decided at last congress in India.
The opening ceremony took place on the first day and Mr. Ziyoviddin Khodjiniyazov IKA Vice President, Mr. Mansur Mirzaev Head of IKA administration and Vittorio Giorgi President Italian Kurash federation were present. A speech was delivered to all participants by IKA Vice President and wishing them and their students best of Luck for the upcoming European Championships in Italy later this year.

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