In order to promote, popularize and develop Kurash around the world, first of all, our sport requires specialists, coaches, judges and instructors with sufficient knowledge and experience.
With their professional work, the number of people engaged in Kurash as well as the number of competitions will increase.
The International Kurash Association has always focused on this area.
Together with the International Kurash Institute, regular seminars on refereeing and coaching, webinars for all continents and continental zones are organized throughout the year.
In accordance with tradition, an international coaching seminar will be organized on March 12-21 this year in the capital of the homeland of Kurash, as well as exams for obtaining a category “B” license.
The seminar will be organized for the first time in history of Kurash as specialised seminar in 2 groups. Men from March 12 to March 16, women from March 17 to March 21 can improve their knowledge and qualifications.
The training will be held in the sports complex of the UNIVERSITY OF JOURNALISM and MASS COMMUNICATIONS of UZBEKISTAN.
In accordance with the established quota, the costs of accommodation, 3 times meals and local transportation of participants in the city of Tashkent are covered by the organizing committee.
Experienced specialists of IKA and IKI conduct training in 7 groups and 56 techniques of Kurash.
Participants can take the exams for the international Coaching license “B” at the end of the training.
Recall that at the meeting of the directors committee of the International Kurash Association in Dubai this year, an international license of category “B” is required for coaches participating in all Kurash competitions. Coaches who do not have a license cannot register as coaches at competitions.
For reference, the 1st International coaching seminar and the exam for obtaining a category “B” license were held in Tashkent in June 2021.
About 60 experienced trainers from 24 countries took part in it.
You can download the rules of the international seminar, the application form for participation and the flight schedule at the link below:
Official Invitation