The Last important event of the year for Africa in the final month of the year, which was hosted by  the Republic of Congo.

International kurash week was organized at a high level in memory of the President of the kurash federation of Congo – Francis Angate, who led the federation in the Republic of Congo and made a huge contribution to the overall development of kurash.

On the first day of the week, an International kurash seminar of Coaches was held at the Nicole Oba sports complex. It was attended by about 30 specialists from more than 10 kurash federations of the African continent.

Special trainings for kurash coaches were organized by Mr.Mohammed Vahid Pooresfandiar, a Senior expert of the International Kurash Institute.(IKI)  Kurash methods and techniques consisting of 7 groups (56 methods) were organized through practical and theoretical classes. Also participants gained experience from Mr.Thomas Dunker who was also present and pointed out special points to participants.

The next day followed by a refereeing seminar, where joint work from Mr.Ambeto AKU referee director and Mr.Vahid took to put the referees to the test with the NEW CHANGES to the rules explanations.

An important aspect of the trainings was to focus the participants’ attention on those situations in which referees could make mistakes during the competition and demonstrated by practical illustrations and video recordings.

The participants of the seminar refereeing also had an opportunity to act as a referee during kurash tournament in memory of Francis Angata, which was organized directly during the kurash week.

Their performances were evaluated by experts on the basis of the relevant regulations.

Thomas Dunker, President of the African Kurash Union, expressed his gratitude to the participants of the International Kurash Week, organizers and all kurash adherents who helped to hold this prestigious competition, as well as high-level refereeing and coaching seminars.

Before the departure, the Sport Minister welcomed the medalist and the IKI Expert to a meeting where he spoke about the support that they would give towards the development of Kurash, In Congo, we can say that Kurash is practiced with many participants, and we are grateful to the government of Uzbekistan for sending us Gilams, of which we hope the federation will soon receive.

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