Today, in accordance with the program of the World Championship, IKA refereeing exams for the degree of 2-3 stars have started.
In the morning, theoretical trainings were held in the conference hall of the Ramada Hotel.
The most complete theoretical information about referee processes was provided by the most experienced team of referees led by the Secretary General of the International Kurash Association, Technical Director Mohammad Reza Nassiri.
Director of the Referee of the International Kurash Association Ravi Kapoor, Director of the Referee of the Kurash Confederation of Asia and Oceania Pulsak Sayathamnukul and Technical Director of the Kurash Confederation of Asia and Oceania Korush Khosroyar presented each method and its evaluation, warning procedures during the competition.
The next part of the exams was organized in a practical way, and the direct refereeing processes were evaluated by experts.
Participants of the refereeing exam will also directly act as referees in the championship competitions. The points they have scored are the basis for obtaining a degree of 2-3 stars, which will be summed up at the end.

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