As earlier reported, the next Kurash World Championship among adults will be held in Pune, India on November 23-28 of this year.
As part of the Championship, it’s planned to hold IKA Congress, referees’ exams for obtaining a 2-3 star level.
In order to organize Kurash World Championship at the highest level, International Kurash Association and Kurash Associations of India are performing a lot of preparatory works.
The Organizing Committee has established online registration of participants of the Championship on the basis of a new system.
Yesterday on September 20, the preparatory stage of registration was completed.
If at the first stage, participating federations registered “entry by numbers” of participants, then at the second stage participants of the Championship and Congress, referees participating in the referee’s exams will now register passport data, flight itinerary.
The registration deadline will end on October 15.
Federations that fail to register in a timely manner will be deprived of the right to participate in the Championship.
The Organizing Committee recommends National Federations to register as soon as possible due to the possibility that the process of obtaining Indian visa may take a time.
Below you can use the following link to register your federation, specifying athletes, judges and official delegates.

Entry by Name – Deadline: 00:00 GMT OCTOBER 15, 2022
IKA’s XIX Ordinary Congress

World Kurash Senior Championships (Referee Seminar)

Flight Information

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