IRIBNEWS TV channel, considered the news television network of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has been operating since 1999. Its broadcasts are the most influential TV channel in the country, reaching the audience of about 1 billion people across Asia and Europe.
Yesterday, this TV channel broadcast an interview with Mohammad Reza Nassiri, General Secretary of the International Kurash Association, and President of the Iranian Kurash Association.
In his speech , Mr. Nassiri provided detailed information about the activities of the International Kurash Association and the Iranian Kurash Association, the work carried out by them, and the international competitions being held during the recent years.
Moreover he expressed his views on the work being done to organize competitions and international seminars planned for this year.
During the conversation, it was recognized that the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has created a system to support Kurash, and based on this system, Kurash is becoming one of the most popular sports in the country.

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