These days, the city of Ashgabat breathes with a great Kurash festival. The Olympic Village is crowded with more than 500 participants from all continents of the world.
Today, the official opening ceremony of the seminar for Kurash referees and coaches was held in the meeting hall of the Basha-bash sports complex.
The President of the International Kurash Association Haider Farman, General Secretary of IKA Mokhammad Reza Nassiri and Rector of the International Kurash Institute Khabibulla Tajiev took part in the opening ceremony.
Speaking at the event, the President of IKA congratulated all the participants with a great Kurash holiday. He acknowledged that, according to tradition, the organization of seminars for Kurash coaches and referees has been introduced into the program of all competitions of the association.
Not only can you gain new knowledge and experience here, but also the Kurash community will expand. He admitted that it is a good chance to make new friends and learn new methods of teaching and promoting Kurash.
After that, the General Secretary of IKA explained in detail the procedures for participation in the seminar programs and exams.
According to the rule, all participants take part in theoretical and practical training. Experienced experts of the IKI will present new changes in fighting methods and rules, technique and evaluation system.