The most influential Italian online media Gazzetta di Milano is one of the main promoters of kurash.
The successful participation of the Kurash Federation of Italy in the World Nomad Games was widely covered in the Gazzetta di Milano edition.
The article titled “Pasciulli nel Kurash ai World Nomad Games”, published on October 4, provides information on the results of the World Nomad Games and Kurash competitions.
The publication also tells that the International Kurash Association is organizing the most important kurash competitions this year. The current IKA calendar is full of sporting events, which offers great opportunities for kurash enthusiasts: the European Kurash Championship will be held in Greece at the end of October, the World Kurash Championship among adults will be held in the Indian city of Pune in November this year.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Kurash Federation of Italy and Gazzetta di Milano for mutual cooperation.
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