It has not been long since the Afghan Kurash Federation launched to carry out its activities on the basis of a new system. Currently, the official branches of the Federation operate in 16 regions of the country.
According to the Federation’s calendar plan for the current year, the Afghan Kurash Championship was held in March of this year. The most famous athletes from all regions of the country took part in seminars.
In preparation for the next national championship, qualifying championships will be held in all regions of the country in November.
Currently, National refereeing seminars are being organized throughout the country in order to improve the level of training of referees for these championships and the selection of talented referees.
On September 28-30, seminars on refereeing were organized in Baghlan province. 15 young referees took part in seminar.
The IKA referee with the 1st degree of the star Sedukullo Nemat conducted practical and theoretical training based on the rules of refereeing.
According to the information of the Afghan Kurash Federation, a weekly seminar of referees on Kurash will be organized in each province of Afghanistan.

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