As previously reported, on September 04-08, 2022 Asian Junior Kurash Championship will be held in Chonburi, Thailand.
As an integral part of the Championship, International Kurash Association organized an international 1-2 stars exam for referees.
It is also planned to hold several cultural events dedicated to the World Kurash Day on September 6.
It is expected also to hold Executive Committee meeting of the Kurash Confederation of Asia and Oceania.
The Executive Committe will consider a number of important issues for further popularization of kurash on our continent, in particular candidates to host Asian Championship in 2023.
According to the information, provided by the Organizing committee, applications for participation from 15 national federations have been accepted so far.
Kurash Confederation of Asia and Oceania and the Kurash Association of Thailand are carrying out preparatory work in order to organize this prestigious kurash event at the highest level.

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