Referee by law was approved by DC. This does not constitute a change to the rules. It’s just an additional explanation to make the Kurash rules more clear.
To date, there have been no clear explanations for Tanbikh, Dakki, or Girrom. This, in itself, caused misunderstandings in the refereeing system and, in many cases, in the Kurash bouts.
Based on this Regulation, all cases are clearly defined, and currently, IKI is preparing short clips on each of the bylaws.
The penalty system, a crucial part of the Referee by law, is comprehensive and covers more than 20 criteria. These include actions such as Bending over, Blocking – One Arm – Two Arms – Leg, Passivity (Non-activity), Going out of competition area, hand going inside the sleeves and turning. This detailed coverage ensures that you are fully informed and can confidently enforce the rules.
Clear and detailed explanations of each case are provided and will be posted on the IKA Official website.

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