Khiva is a “living” monument, a museum city. Behind its walls, the sense of true reality is completely lost. The magical city, located on 25 acres of land, is more than 2500 years old. The city was the center of the Northern part of the Great Silk Road. For the first time, an international Ethnosport festival organized in such a historic city. The culture of the Uzbek people, including a rich cultural history and sports, clearly show their place to the whole world.
Another historical landmark of Khiva, “Ichan castle”, where people could see demonstrations on Kurash, the history of which has more than 3,500 years.
First, the audience was shown a video presentation with the history of Kurash, his path, and the successes achieved.
It is worth noting that more than 2000 representatives from 60 countries take part in the International Ethnosport Festival, which is hosted by the city of Khiva.
The pavilion reserved for Kurash was also crowded with foreign participants, officials, and tourists.
The methods of Kurash, its attractiveness and philosophy, imbued with humanism, caused applause and a great impression among the audience.
The International Ethnosport Festival will last until September 10. Sports competitions, demonstrations, national games, and cultural events are held within the framework of the festival.
IKA Secretary General Mohammad Reza Nassiri and IKA head of the administration Mansur Mirzaev are taking part in this prestigious sporting event.

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